Tuesday 17 April 2012

When The Human Touch Is What I Need

The Independent SF

Five days later I'm just about back on the ground, peeled off the ceiling from what was, as expected, another James triumph. Every James gig stands out for different reasons, this had many to sear it onto my mind. The intimate venue, the soundcheck, the Q&A, an 85% close to perfection setlist and most of all enjoying the music in a new country with new friends. Oh, and I finally gave in, couldn't resist anymore and bought a James daisy t-shirt. 

Chat during the soundcheck

While the lead-up to the gig was exciting, I held a few minor anxieties in the back of my consciousness, all successfully drowned out by cranking up the James back catalogue, as J-Day approached. 

An irritating voice couldn't stop itself from whispering, will they play the tracks you wanted or will you leave disappointed? Will they deviate a little too far from the originals and leave you feeling cheated but too proud to admit it? Do they really want to open up the soundcheck to obsessives and take questions from them? Is it a good idea to be meeting strange men off the internet to go to a gig? I needn't have worried. James delivered on the night. Charmed in the VIP access moments and the strange man,  wasn't strange at all. Embrace the twenty-first century and meet people off of [sic] the internet. 

As is the English way, gigs and drink go hand in hand so after meeting in bar, I headed with my new fan friend to the soundcheck, arrival timed, as is the London way, just before everything kicked off. Walking into a gig space in the middle of the day is much like leaving the cinema in the afternoon only in reverse. You still move into the new environment blinking, trying to orientate yourself and adjust to the changed reality. Thinking about it, it's a close as we'll get to Star Trek type beaming, moving instantly from one world to another. If that new world entered offers a chance to chat with a band you've enjoyed for many years, the surrealism is only increased to an acid free acid trip.

I enjoyed the VIP experience, was impressed by the band's candidness and their willing to offer full answers. The "strangemanofftheinternet" (not strange at all really) asked how Tim Booth's walkabouts came to pass. Tim explained, from a festival where their crowd were there to see Korn. In the run up, they'd been accused of being "gay" and so decided to up-the-ante and appear in glittering costumes. A reasoned and humourous response. Apparently Saul preferred to simply challenge the more vocal of the crowd to simply, "suck his ****!" Booth didn't enlighten us if anyone took up the offer.  

The walkabout was Booth's idea, responding to a particularly vociferous member of crowd, he got down and sang "Sit Down" straight to the man. I like James a lot but even I'd be a bit uncomfortable having someone sing into my face. Regardless, it worked and the man asked Tim to give him a hug afterwards. 

My favourite moment however, came from Saul who, when discussion turned to the band's anticipation of their Coachella set, compared festivals to life. You spend the first part wandering around, trying to get your bearings before deciding if you're having a good time then getting into the swing of it. Or at least, words to that effect. How apt. 

For the record, songs heard in the soundcheck were "Sound", "Johnny Yen", half of "Out To Get You" and "English Beefcake". "Out To Get You", a particular favourite of mine, was not played in its entirety because of the special ending planned. This prompted discussion over the band not wanting to repeat themselves and how they don't like to play the track too often to preserve the freshness of emotion. Some bright spark in the audience piped up that they'd played it in the last SF jaunt. It was duly struck off the setlist. Whoever you are, I shall hunt you down.

                            "Look at what you could've won" - "Out To Get You" @ Coachella 

After the soundcheck  The "strangemanofftheinternet" (not strange at all really) and I headed to a local bar, were joined by The Missus and The "strangemanofftheinternet" (not strange at all really) took over the internet enabled jukebox with James' Woolwich Arsenal back catalogue. This was not as much of a hit with the crowd as it was with us. A fellow drinker pleaded, when I returned to select more tracks, to "not put on any more James please, I haven't heard them since college." His request was, in the most part, ignored. 

Planned setlist thanks to @larryontour

James, always wanting to stay fresh, delivered an in part spontaneous setlist. Thanks to those at www.wearejames.com for exactly what was performed for I was too busy "flailing about". Brilliantly "Waterfall" stayed and I got to hear "Come Home" for the first time live (cue significant "flailing about"). Though "Out To Get You" was lost, the enthusiastic crowd prompted another encore and were rewarded with an acoustic, almost waltz version of "Laid". "Sound" remained, which has to be one of the best songs performed live by any band. Much to this Englishman's delight, "Waltzing Along"..."...may your eyes be opened by the wonderful" made an outing. "Ring The Bells" came in earlier in the list, was as uplifting as ever and appears to be rightfully a James mainstay.  The only real lacking was "Tomorrow" but, as I watched this live on the Coachella webcast, I couldn't help but think the band had done themselves proud and served me well.  

That megaphone can mean only one thing....."Sound"

Until the next time, "Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I can see your soul." 


  1. So it was crap then eh?!?!!?!? ;o)

    I recently saw them in Nottigham with the orchestra and choir and they blew me away...I was in tears at one point...the emotion and joy they clearly feel when they play is almost tangible...

    Lovely review and glad you enjoyed - it must have felt surreal to be in your new home with new friends...

    1. Thanks again for reading.
      It was great day. I wish I'd seen the orchestra tour it sounded incredible. Apparently they're considering doing it again. We shall see.

  2. Outstanding English! However the megaphone could also suggest God Only Knows..:~)

    Best, mark F

    1. Fair point. Would have been happy with that but happier it was Sound. Thanks very much for the comment :)
