Monday 31 January 2011

It's Hard Being Thrifty

The hard bit is over now it's time to kit out this new pad. You'd think that would be easy and fun, wouldn't you? For the most part it is, but in America, where there is so much choice, filling an empty space is mind boggling. When a lovely new apartment has nothing except a cooker and a fridge freezer in it, a home literally has to be furnished from scratch. The choice is harder than going to any restaurant here and ploughing through The Bible like menu. At least a wrong choice when eating out lasts only an evening.

Having done the same thing in London, but over four years, creating a new home for the second time is an odd place to find ourselves in. So this weekend, The Missus and I set off to numerous furniture shops, end of line sales and some utterly bizarre shops that only San Francisco could have. Purple fluffy sofa anyone? No, I didn't think so. Even the most tripped out hippy would draw the line at that. Actually, having seen numerous garish Grateful Dead T-Shirts adorning people that really should have known better thirty years ago, perhaps not. 

In no way a source of interior design inspiration

So, yet more crawling of Craigslist and racing around the City on Saturday and Sunday was on the agenda. This would have been far more entertaining had I not been a physical wreck all weekend, ashamedly reminding anyone who cared to listen, of my the current health. Think tweeting medical status updates. 

On Friday I was put through my paces by a trainer at the gym who had me trying to build leg muscles no downhill skier would need. The result, I spent the weekend hobbling, bow legged around San Francisco as if I had just left myself a warm sludgy present in my pants. On top of that, instead of warding the start of a cold, I decided instead to get convincingly, steamingly and riotously pissed on Friday night at an English ex-pat meet up. This allowed the cold virus, I say cold virus, more like man-death-viral-killer bug, to reek having around my already aching body. Things I have learnt from this, American tissues are ridiculously thin, incapable of withstanding my cold onslaught and it's probably wiser not to sober up after such a binge. At least not until the cold goes. Oh and don't try to walk up and down San Franciso's hills if you've messed yourself. Not that, let me be absolutely clear, I had.

Yet despite this, a rather plush microfiber three seater sofa has been ordered as well as a bed frame. Neither of which I can take much credit for, my input being mainly the driving and appropriately timed nodding of approval. Today however I have been on a mono-hunt for mattresses. 

I had no idea how expensive mattresses are in this country. My friends this may sound mundane to you but be warned, for should you ever move out here, bring your own bloody mattress. At home The Missus and I slept on a much loved Tempur mattress. A NASA mattress if you will. Snug, body shaping and most importantly, a damn sight cheaper in the UK than here. Four times cheaper as a matter of fact. Well I have looked at mattresses and now retreated to my favoured cocoon of Cup-A-Joes for a CHEAP drink and a blog entry. After seeing those prices, I need to calm my nerves. Where is the Mattress King when you need him? Another new learning of mine today, a box spring mattress. Apparently I need not only a mattress but a box spring as well to go under said mattress. Says who?

Being royally ripped off
There's a lot more to buy though in my mind, we have sofa being delivered on Friday and I can pick up a TV immediately in any shop. What more is needed? So far we have failed to pick up any bargains from second hand shops or Craigslist persuading ourselves that we draw the line at a used bed or sofa. On the good side though, at least The Missus and I are doing our bit to continue the US consumer spending recovery. May be it's time to apply for a sub-prime mortgage?

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